emerald and ashes
Hm... come in, I guess.
This will be my home away from home in terms of The Magnus Archives fanart and fic (plus some original and other fanworks), which is pretty much my favourite piece of media ever (taking up it's rightful place alongside The Secret History). I adore the characters, the plot, the little details that make you go, aha! when relistening, the voice acting, the friends I've made... I believe I started listening in April 2019, right as I was moving into a new townhouse I was going to share with my sister. I have such fond memories of bingeing the first few seasons while painting walls and going for long walks along the river boardwalk... even though I've moved from that house, I can remember the exact spot I was painting when listening to Possessive, or the humid and gloomy night of Jan's Vast creature in space.
I knew there was a fandom but I was determined not to join until I'd fully caught up, and it was SO exciting to finally do so! I've met a ton of amazing people that continue to inspire me, and I absolutely love to share my art with others. This is the longest I've stuck with a particular fandom, and I think that's due to me finally being so active in one - no longer am I just throwing up a drawing or two and hoping it sticks - finally I'm actually interacting with all sorts of people, joining discords and zines and projects, and really putting myself out there. I hope to be here for a while yet!
And so, while I'm pretty consistantly on twitter and tumblr, I've always had the itch to create a website like this one, from a desire to have a record of my TMA works, as well as nostalgia: I was obsessed with jfan sites containing all sorts of art way back in middle school and used to check for updates basically everyday. I always desperately wanted to be able to create one for myself, and, well, I finally have the opportunity! (Though no Linkin Park midis, I'm afraid).
Click around and enjoy your stay!
(As an added note, please be aware that here be spoilers all around!)